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image John Pacheco 5 mins ago

Payment has been sent

You just sent $ 200 to John.
image John Pacheco 5 mins ago

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Tap to close this notification.
image John Pacheco 5 mins ago

Payment has been sent

You just sent $ 200 to John.
image John Pacheco 5 mins ago

Payment has been sent

You just sent $ 200 to John.
image John Pacheco 5 mins ago

Payment has been sent

You just sent $ 200 to John.
image John Pacheco 5 mins ago

Auto close in 3 seconds.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Payment has been sent

You just sent $ 200 to John.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Tap to close

Tap on this notification to close.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Payment has been sent

You just sent $ 200 to John.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Payment has been sent

You just sent $ 200 to John.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Payment has been sent

You just sent $ 200 to John.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Auto close in 3 seconds.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Primary Color

Notification text.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Secondary Color

Notification text.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Success Color

Notification text.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Danger Color

Notification text.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Warning Color

Notification text.
image John Pacheco
5 mins ago

Info Color

Notification text.



Received a new payment
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Money has been sent!
Auto closing in 2 seconds.
Received a new payment
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Your card has been removed.
Auto closing in 2 seconds.
Centered Toast
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Success Message
Auto close in 2 seconds
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Secondary Color
Success Color
Danger Color
Warning Color
Info Color
Your request is pending